Got a bit of a hurricane problem here; if I drop off from answering forum posts / blog comments for a few days, it probably means I lost power. See you again soon!
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Checking In
Hey. Looks like everyone’s enjoying the new build so far.
I’m still on break, but I wanted in check in and say we’re on the downhill part of it now and I should be getting back to development work before too much longer.
Until then, good luck in the Tower!
Persona 5
If you’re a long time follower of Demon’s development, you probably saw this coming.
Persona 5 comes out in a few hours.
I have recently been super busy between work and doing development for Demon.
Due to these facts, I will be shifting into “bug fixes and communications only” mode for a bit while I relax, recharge, and play an awesome game in my favorite game series.
Thank you for playing Demon, and good luck in the Tower! I’ll be around, so this isn’t goodbye, just a notice that I won’t be doing active dev work for a little bit. Cheers!
(If you’re a worrywart and worry this is one of those many departures into the night for an in-dev roguelike, here’s a brief history of all the other times I’ve wandered off and come back )
Starting New Job on Monday
Hey folks. Just a small note: I’m starting a new job on Monday, so my hours available for Demon work are going to drop a bit. Based on past experience, the drop in Demon will work will be heaviest just as I start the new job, but will slowly ramp up a bit after that as I settle into the new groove. As a result, updates may be a bit sparse the next few weeks, but don’t worry: progress will always be happening, just maybe a bit slower than at previous times.
Hey folks.
So. XCOM 2 is coming out in… 12 hours or so.
Barring any massive problems with the recent build, I will probably be a bit of a rare encounter until Monday or so.
But, I’ll be back on my normal Demon work schedule after that.
Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker break :D
Tomorrow, Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker comes out. Given one of Demon’s inspirations is the Shin Megami Tensei series, as usual, Demon time for the next week or so will be diverted to enjoying this new entry.
I hope everyone is enjoying the 4/26 build!
Persona Q Detour
Hey. No official update this week due to the release of Persona Q. Shin Megami Tensei is one of Demon’s major influences, so I always take time to play new entries in the series when they pop up.
Progress on the consumables is still going well though.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Short Delay for Life :P
I started work again this week, so I imagine there will be a (hopefully very) brief period of time where I’m not too active while I adjust to my new schedule/workload. I plan to continue working on Demon at a fairly good clip even with the new job, though there’s no denying I’ll have less time for it.
Next update will add T:13 to T:15 to the tower, which includes 9 demons, 1 unique demon, 1 summoner, 1 hero, and the new abilities therein. I’ve started the design work already, and will be moving onto art next. I’ll post some pictures once I’ve gotten some good progress on the art