Checking In

Hey. :) Looks like everyone’s enjoying the new build so far. :D

I’m still on break, but I wanted in check in and say we’re on the downhill part of it now and I should be getting back to development work before too much longer. :)

Until then, good luck in the Tower!

Persona 5

If you’re a long time follower of Demon’s development, you probably saw this coming. :P

Persona 5 comes out in a few hours.

I have recently been super busy between work and doing development for Demon.

Due to these facts, I will be shifting into “bug fixes and communications only” mode for a bit while I relax, recharge, and play an awesome game in my favorite game series. :D

Thank you for playing Demon, and good luck in the Tower! I’ll be around, so this isn’t goodbye, just a notice that I won’t be doing active dev work for a little bit. Cheers!

(If you’re a worrywart and worry this is one of those many departures into the night for an in-dev roguelike, here’s a brief history of all the other times I’ve wandered off and come back :P )

Starting New Job on Monday

Hey folks. :) Just a small note: I’m starting a new job on Monday, so my hours available for Demon work are going to drop a bit. Based on past experience, the drop in Demon will work will be heaviest just as I start the new job, but will slowly ramp up a bit after that as I settle into the new groove. As a result, updates may be a bit sparse the next few weeks, but don’t worry: progress will always be happening, just maybe a bit slower than at previous times. :)


Hey folks. :P

So. XCOM 2 is coming out in… 12 hours or so.

Barring any massive problems with the recent build, I will probably be a bit of a rare encounter until Monday or so. :)

But, I’ll be back on my normal Demon work schedule after that. :D

Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker break :D

Tomorrow, Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker comes out. :D Given one of Demon’s inspirations is the Shin Megami Tensei series, as usual, Demon time for the next week or so will be diverted to enjoying this new entry. :) I hope everyone is enjoying the 4/26 build!

Persona Q Detour

Hey. :) No official update this week due to the release of Persona Q. Shin Megami Tensei is one of Demon’s major influences, so I always take time to play new entries in the series when they pop up. :) Progress on the consumables is still going well though. :D Happy Thanksgiving!

Short Delay for Life :P

I started work again this week, so I imagine there will be a (hopefully very) brief period of time where I’m not too active while I adjust to my new schedule/workload. I plan to continue working on Demon at a fairly good clip even with the new job, though there’s no denying I’ll have less time for it.

Next update will add T:13 to T:15 to the tower, which includes 9 demons, 1 unique demon, 1 summoner, 1 hero, and the new abilities therein. :) I’ve started the design work already, and will be moving onto art next. I’ll post some pictures once I’ve gotten some good progress on the art :D