New Possibilities


The 6/28/2024 update of Interdict is live!

The main focus of this build is a significant rebalancing of the attribute requirements for skills, weapons, and armors. For skills in particular, this rebalancing resulted in the reduction or complete removal of attribute requirements, which should provide many new options for how to develop your characters and parties.

Several new skills were also added, bringing the total available to over 130. The screenshot above shows the Retrage spell from the Psionics: Predictive Healing skill, which centers on healing spells that trigger when certain conditions are met, but this is only one of the new skills added to find in your future playthroughs. Additional items were added as well: new weapons, new armor types, and new relics are waiting to be discovered and incorporated into your party builds.

I hope you enjoy the new build, and good luck on your adventures! Remember too that the FerretDev.Org Discord is available if you’d like to chat with other Demon and Interdict players and stay up to date on what’s coming next. Cheers!

A Map To Success


A new Interdict update has been released at! This update focuses on quality of life features, including:

  • Keyboard and controller input can now be remapped in the System menu.
  • Interdict now offers multiple save slots, allowing up to 10 in progress games at a time.
  • The automap functionality has been improved: a radius around you will be mapped as you walk, and a certain spell can be used to map an even wider area

Additionally, Necropolis has been improved a bit, with more interesting room layouts and pared down enemy lists that give each sector a more defined identity. Finally, the new build also includes a fair number of balance adjustments and bug fixes.

I hope you enjoy the new build, and good luck on your adventure! Also, don’t forget you can visit the Ferretdev.Org Discord to chat with other Demon and Interdict players, and get information about what’s coming up next. Cheers!