
Woo hoo! 1000 total (1003, actually) games of Demon have been reported to the server since I started tracking 3 1/2 months ago.

It’s not a huge number by any means.. but the trajectory is nice. :) The first two of those months averaged ~1/day. Mid July it picked up to around 15-20/day, and since then has been slowly climbing. A few days recently even hit spikes of 50 or 60. :o

I look forward to continuing to develop Demon and make it even better. :) A big thank you is in order for everyone who has helped out with art or code, played it, given feedback, or even just been supportive of the effort despite the particular strain of insanity that compels me to spend this much time on working on a game I never have any plan to charge money for. :D

So, thank you. :D And, have a ferret video that fits the occasion. :) Cheers!

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