The new build is ready, and the links at the right have been updated.
As previously discussed over the past few months, this build adds Demon’s endgame content to the dungeon, starting with Tower:30. About this I won’t be saying much else, other than good luck and don’t forget about your items.
This build also includes new status icon art as part of Ontoclasm’s art set, as well as updated versions of older sprites by Geminimax. Thank you very much, both of you!
There are also a few bug fixes, but the art and the endgame are the main meal here. If you aren’t able to get to the top of the Tower yet… well, that’s why the previous build was about pretty much everything EXCEPT the end game.
Fair’s fair.
Good luck in the Tower… you’ll really need it from now on.
The status icon art and the updated sprites look great. I haven’t made it to the end game yet. Can’t wait to find out what’s up there.
Great work can’t wait to get destroyed