New Abilities Preview

Yay new abilities. :D As part of trying to make sure melee has the tools to be as viable and interesting as magic and support throughout the tower, these are the new abilities that got created.

Many of these are available on relics, allowing you to start using them right away. Others will show up on demons, waiting to be learned. Still others will join the ranks of those rare but powerful abilities you can only find on modified demons. :)

Things still appear to be on schedule for an Annual Roguelike Release Party weekend release of the build. :D Won’t be long now! Until then, enjoy this preview of the new abilities that are being added in that build. (Note: Yes, some of these aren’t melee. Improving melee a little is the main point of the build, but it isn’t the entire build. For example, some relics such as Faithful Heart and Hand of the Dead are getting expanded starting options, and some of these abilities are part of that. :) )

Absolving Cut: 70 Power attack. Removes Guilt, Mute, Pariah, or Hex from you or a nearby ally.

Bloodthrist: Heals you for 25% of the damage you deal with Slash, Impact, or Pierce abilities (affected by Body resistance).

Brain Knocker: Provides a 50% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to delay the next turn of the target.

Calming Cut: 70 Power attack. Removes Stun, Panic, Sleep, or Charm from you or a nearby ally.

Crippler: Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Hex, which reduces physical resistances (not immunity) by one level, and reduces physical damage dealt.

Earth Break: 55 Power attack (Burst). Cannot miss.

Ember Burst: 70% chance to Ignite the targets (Area), causing damage over a short duration.

Guarding Cry: Briefly improves defense by 25% for you and your allies (Area).

Heavy Guard: Responds to blocking and parrying attacks by adjacent enemies with a 40 Power attack that has a 35% chance to inflict Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn. Cannot miss.

Leap Attack: Must target a character. Leap to the target with an 85 Power attack. Inflicts Stun, causing the target to miss their next turn.

Malleable: Improves natural HP regeneration and healing received (including from the Regen status effect) by 25%. Does not affect abilities that drain or heal based on dealing damage.

Maul: 85 Power attack split between two Slash attacks.

Numbing: Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Paralysis, causing the target to frequently miss their turns.

Piercing Thrust: 70 Power attack (Line).

Riposte: Responds to being missed, dodging, and parrying attacks by adjacent enemies with a 70 Power attack.

Silver Hand: Provides a 20% chance for your Slash, Impact, and Pierce attacks to apply Mute, which prevents the use of non-physical abilities.

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Upcoming Melee Changes

So, as previously discussed, I’m attempting to nudge melee a bit more towards the center line viability wise. :)

The biggest problem it has had up to this point is it required more investment (in terms of stats: Strength, Vitality, and Agility all being more or less required, with Cunning often riding along too) than most magic/support builds, which were free to focus on as few as a single stat depending on what they had in mind.

At first, I considered addressing this by adjusting how Strength, Agility, and Cunning behave by giving them special bonuses that only applied to physical/melee… but, I instinctively dislike the idea of “unbalancing” something to fix a balance problem. Strength and Magic after all were balanced numerically: both give a 25% damage increase per point per level spent. The problem is that Magic covered a better set of abilities than Strength.

In trying to decide what to do instead, the release of relics was a big help. Once melees had access to more melee-oriented starting packages, things looked much better for them. Even with the stat “problem” still in effect, the new offerings for melee were allowing characters to make good use of those diverse statistic requirements.

That was what helped me settle on the approach I’m taking for the ARRP/Melee Improvement build: rather than try to change the stat problem, make it a non-problem by making sure melee abilities reward the high cost and take advantage of the diverse stat expectations. To that end, I reviewed the existing melee abilities and will be making some tweaks (such as Pounce and Bull Rush no longer using Breath cooldown, but instead using their own Charge cooldown; and “support slash” abilities like Reviving Cut and Guarding Cut being able to heal/buff the user), adding new abilities (such as Bloodthrist, a passive that adds a 25% drain to all physical attacks) , and tweaking the ability sets melee demons in the Tower have both to make them more effective opponents (for example, Ogres will now be getting Oppressor, which boosts defense versus lower HP enemies) and to make sure melee players are getting good access to strong abilities like magic does.

All that said, I expect and want the end result of these changes to be a nudge. I think melee was a fair bit behind before relics, and post relics is only a bit behind. These changes are intended to push it even with the other types of builds and options available. :)

I’ll post again tomorrow with a list of the new abilities being added, for those who are curious and want a sneak peek. :) 

2015 ARRP Build in Progress

What? No, not the AARP, I’m not *that* old yet, even if I am losing my hair. :( The A*R*RP, The Annual Roguelike Release Party! Basically, it’s a weekend where roguelike devs encourage each other to release updates to their projects.

Granted, Demon gets updated all the time, and I think the idea is more about pulling unknown/unreleased roguelikes out of the shadows, but known roguelikes are still totally welcome, so I’m planning to participate. :)

I didn’t know this was a thing until just here recently, which is a shame because I’d have liked to have plan on something extra-interesting for it. However, I think I’ve come up with a reasonable goal that will still be pretty exciting: an attempt to shift the balance a bit  towards melee characters/builds, who has Xavier and others have pointed out, tend to get a bit of a rough ride up until now because of how many stats are required (Strength, Vitality, Agility, and often Cunning too) This will also include a small number of new abilities being added to the game, many of which will be available on the Titan’s Fist relic.

I’ll post more details about what I’ve got in mind soon. :)

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9/11: Small Fixes

The 9/11 build is up at the download links. :) Fixes a nasty bug with Rallying Cry, and also improves the interface for using abilities that can only be aimed at yourself.

9/10: Not All Who Wander Are Lost

New build posted! The download links on your right have been updated t0 the 9/10 build. :)

9/10′s big feature will come as no surprise based on my last few posts: automapping!

You get both a small automap helpfully located in the bottom-right corner…


…and a zoomed in version you can access by pressing Tab or the m key.


This build also makes some small balance and interface tweaks, but automapping is the big deal. :) Check it out, and good luck. :D

Prettying It Up A Bit…

This is looking a bit more useful/pretty now. :) I wonder if I can find room on the main UI for an actual mini map though, it’s already pretty crowded in the lower resolution…


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Woo hoo! 1000 total (1003, actually) games of Demon have been reported to the server since I started tracking 3 1/2 months ago.

It’s not a huge number by any means.. but the trajectory is nice. :) The first two of those months averaged ~1/day. Mid July it picked up to around 15-20/day, and since then has been slowly climbing. A few days recently even hit spikes of 50 or 60. :o

I look forward to continuing to develop Demon and make it even better. :) A big thank you is in order for everyone who has helped out with art or code, played it, given feedback, or even just been supportive of the effort despite the particular strain of insanity that compels me to spend this much time on working on a game I never have any plan to charge money for. :D

So, thank you. :D And, have a ferret video that fits the occasion. :) Cheers!

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Pardon The Dust

Hey everyone. :)

The website’s in the middle of transitioning to an upgraded form, but in the meantime, things have become slightly harder to find.

If you’re looking for the game builds, here you are. :)




Things should be up and running with the new version of the site soon. See you then. :)

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