The new ability icons needed for the new abilities the relics you can choose from will offer have been completed. Next up is implementing and testing the abilities associated with them.
(Note: A few of these will not actually appear in relic starting packages, but were included since they are logical extensions of abilities that will be. Arresting Glare is a good example of this: it isn’t on a relic itself, but since I was making Arresting Gaze, I went ahead and made the AE form too.)
From left to right, top to bottom: Arresting Gaze, Arresting Glare, Avalanche, Bolt Rune, Cleansing Cut, Combust, Cyropulse, Darktouch, Fearsome Cry, Fire Rune, Frost Ring, Heat Wave, Ice Rune, Lighttouched, Mind Blank, Mind Reader, Fetid Blast, Numbing Touch, Oppressor, Rattling Cry, Restoring Cut, Shocking Spear, Triad Rune.
Of course… relic starting packages won’t be the only places these show up…