I’ll be updating this post as we go:
Remaining Open Bugs : 0 (last update: 7:15am CDT 3/25/2017) Final Testing : In Progress! (last update: 10:50pm CDT 3/22/2017) Planned Release Date : 3/31/2017, sometime before 11:55pm CDT
Once the open bugs are at 0, I’ll begin final testing. Once final testing is complete and open bugs remain at 0, I’ll finally be able to release this build. Won’t be long now!
I can’t take this much longer!
Soon, soon.
I should be able to make good progress on the bugs Wednesday night (unfortunately busy after work both tonight and Tuesday night, so not much before then probably.)
I want this out as badly as you guys, I promise.
So much new stuff for everyone to get killed by.
Hoping to make good progress Wednesday evening on the remaining bugs.