Hey folks,
We’ve had our first visitor (and winner!) to the new endgame content, who noticed a bug with the lore text on two of the new heroes. I’ll be posting an update that fixes this later tonight. Cheers!
Hey folks,
We’ve had our first visitor (and winner!) to the new endgame content, who noticed a bug with the lore text on two of the new heroes. I’ll be posting an update that fixes this later tonight. Cheers!
The new build is ready, and the links at the right have been updated.
As previously discussed over the past few months, this build adds Demon’s endgame content to the dungeon, starting with Tower:30. About this I won’t be saying much else, other than good luck and don’t forget about your items.
This build also includes new status icon art as part of Ontoclasm’s art set, as well as updated versions of older sprites by Geminimax. Thank you very much, both of you!
There are also a few bug fixes, but the art and the endgame are the main meal here. If you aren’t able to get to the top of the Tower yet… well, that’s why the previous build was about pretty much everything EXCEPT the end game.
Fair’s fair.
Good luck in the Tower… you’ll really need it from now on.
A short but very happy post: the next build’s release is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, October 26th!
Hey folks. Small update: pretty much the only things left are implementing the slightly different dungeon generation logic I need for the final floors, addressing a few non-end game content bugs that’re on the list, and some final testing. We’re still on target for sometime this month for the release.
I’ve been informed the build links broke for a bit, but I *think* I have it fixed now. Let me know in the comments if there are still any problems. Thanks!
UPDATE: The links at the right seem to be working now, but the links on the Download section of the landing page will be a bit longer updating, so please use the links at the right in the meantime. Thank you!
UPDATE 2: The main Download page off the landing should now also have working links!
As promised, here is the next preview of the end game’s non-unique/heroic characters. Though they aren’t the stars of the show, perhaps their identities will provide some hint as to who might be waiting…
Note: The sprites for this preview are from the default sprite set. (The default sprite sometimes runs ahead since I have to finish earlier to do code work and testing, but I’ll post an update with the Geminimax versions of these once they’re available.)
A quick progress report: I’m wrapping up the last of the art on my end, which I hope to be finished with this weekend. After that, it will be on to implementation of the end game encounters.
Unsurprisingly, there will be a small amount of new work there since these aren’t exactly your usual encounters, but do not worry: I am mindful of the error committed by some games where the end game encounters, in a desire to be “different” end up being wildly different from what came before to the point of being a curveball that doesn’t follow the rules you’ve been learning and working with up to that point.
For obvious spoiler reasons, I can’t go into the few tweaks being made there; I mostly just wanted to underline that I won’t be trying anything completely out of left field. There will be powerful (and even some VERY powerful) demons, and heroes as well. They’ll have new abilities (even some not seen in the previous build’s giant pile of new abilities); some of these are pretty wild, but still balanced (after all, even at the end, you can gain access to them!) There will be a few possibly unexpected, but within fair bounds, quirks here and there. But overall, my goal is to make it a fair, challenging endgame for everyone’s runs going forward.
No new preview material this time, though I will reveal Part 2 of “These Creatures Are But Slaves Of The Gods” next week.
Hey folks. The 4-day weekend push went pretty well: both of the dungeon art sets are at what I’d call 90% complete: the main thing left for both is what I’ll call the “doodads”: things like the flickering torches, eyes peeking out of a hole, etc. that you see in the existing dungeon sets. But the vast majority of the work (the normal floors and walls) on both is complete.
Based on that, I think the end game build should be able to be released by sometime in October. I’ll try to pin down a more specific date as we get further along.
Hey folks.
Not that it’d be easy to notice with only limited information releases about the next build, but work’s picked up a bit which I admit has slowed progress. It feels odd perhaps to say that given nobody would have likely noticed anyway with the spoiler blockage, but I’ve always been open about delays in the past, so I wanted to speak up anyway.
The good news however, is I have a 4 day weekend coming up next weekend. I hope to knock out the dungeon art during that, which is the biggest chunk of work remaining. After that, the only things left would be a few more character sprites, a little bit of coding, and some testing.
Though I will not be showing the dungeon art for spoiler reasons, I will update that Tuesday with how the push went.