Category Archives: Demon
Matter Test Build 6 Posted!
Matter Test Build 6 is up! Fingers crossed that is the last one before the full Matter release!
As usual, here’s a link to the forum post the test builds can be found at:
Matter Test Build 6 Will Be Released Monday Evening
Want to take a bit more time to test this one myself due to some of the AI/pathing changes, but assuming nothing goes crazy there, MTB 6 will be released Monday evening. Cheers!
Nearly There!
Just wanted to post a small update: only 3 bugs left to fix before Matter Test Build 6 can be released.
Notably, my hope is that MTB6 is the last one before the actual Matter release. Once MTB6 is out, only critical bugs will warrant another test build release: non-critical bugs will be written up for handling in a future release.
(Hopefully) Final Bugs Added to Fix List for Matter Build
I’ve updated the Matter Test Build thread ( ) with the remaining pre-Matter bugs I want to fix before release. Once all of those are fixed, I will release Matter Test Build 6, and if nothing crazy comes out of that, the actual Matter release will follow shortly after.
It will feel weird to go back to making posts without the word Matter in them
Busy FerretDev Is Busy, But…
With apologies, between house closing prep and work being heated, I probably won’t be addressing any bugs except on weekends for the next couple of weeks.
However, I did want to put out that we’re close to the *actual* Matter release, finally. The backlog of bugs tracked during the past 8 months of work on it used to be over 3 pages long: it is now less than 1. Once I fix those, and any remaining Matter-build specific issues, we’ll finally be on to new things.
What new things? Well… I owe two debts I must discharge first: one to investigate a more stable save system that can survive computer crashes, and the other to investigate if I can improve the look of full screen mode. Both are investigations: not promising I can actually fix either, but the players who requested these things have very patiently waited for me to fix the Matter build before turning to them, so I do feel obligated to take a good solid swing at each.
After that… well, it will be something fun, and *much* shorter of build cycle than the Matter build was I hope!
Matter Test Build 5 Posted
Matter Test Build 5′s posted! I had to back out the warning for using Vapor abilities on Matter-immune allies, but still a lot of good fixes in! Check them out in the usual links in the testing post:
Matter Test Build 5 Soon
Hey folks,
I’ve been busy most of the week, but hope to release another test build sometime this weekend. Not as big a pile of fixes as the last one, but some of them are important ones, including finally stomping out the infamous Wild Frenzy bug, I hope. Cheers!
Matter Test Build 4 Is Up!
The 4th Matter Test Build is up!
Since there were no critical bugs pending, I took a fair bit of time with this one, and as a result it includes a pretty impressive amount of bug fixes.
As for me I’ll continue working on the bug pile as work permits: once the pile’s cleared out of things I promised to fix in the “next build” for the last 8 months, we’ll be ready for the actual Matter release, provided no new Matter-related issues or other critical crop up.
Thank you again to everyone who’s been helping out with the testing, I really appreciate it. Good luck in the tower!
Matter Test Build 4 ETA: This Sunday
Should finally have some time this weekend to finish up the changes I want to include in Matter Test Build 4.
If you haven’t been following the post on the forum, here’s the short list of what it will already include:
Fixed Bugs (will be in next build):
* Fetter, Bind, and Entangle’s tooltips show their Power as 15 less than it actually is.
* Verify disable-able settings on all reactives and passives.
* Avalanche and cousins’ Ice/Chill don’t hit the most extremely distant corner of the burst.
* Verify Druj Nasu and similar capture instructions warn about not hitting the target.
* Maybe tweak Paracelsus again since Burning Vapor got nerfed.
* AI should regard Harden as a “lockout” condition, at low remaining duration.
* Relief still not high enough priority on non-summoners
* Anzu sometimes barges into Medusa’s Sanctum
* Fixed Stone Touch’s unusually high Stone chance.
* Added Unmake to the Destroyer (Tier 2 Matter) modifier.
* Added Relieving Cut to Violent (Tier 1 Slash) modifier.
* Devotion still a bit frequently spammed by Gorgons (and a little less, Banshees)
* Vapors now properly considered by the AI.
* Sleep/Panic inflicted on corpse encounter demons now has a variable duration.
* Sleep inflicted on relic explosion demons now has a variable duration.
* Mute no longer blocks the magical parts of hybrid abilities such as Burning Claw, Guarding Cut, etc.
* “Support cut” support effects now have a range of 8, instead of 4.
* Ninkasi and Reprobus’ modifiers now correctly include Focusing Cry.
* All stat decrease effects now properly use the Debuff type, allowing Afflicter to apply them.
* Clarified that Artemis, Kamapua’a, etc. allow you to help them.
* Punish / Goad should now properly track indirectly targeted abilities such as Emit Sparks.
* Punish / Goad now also track Poison, Ignite, Melt, etc. usage, treating these as damaging.
* Hypnotize Host now properly checks Mind resistance level.
* Increased Yellow Sign and Mind Twist’s SP costs to line up with the Sleep and Charm versions of these.
* Infection now blocks SP recovery from passives such as Tormentor, Galvanize, etc. (no it does not NA them, sorry) The only way to recover SP through Infection now is to use an actual SP drain.
* Buff Harden (shorten or give a secondary effect)
See you again soon