7/23: A Small Group of Small Fixes

Nothing too exciting in this build, an adjustment of the time limits on some “defeat X enemy” capture requirements, a small upgrade to hotkey button tooltip UI, and some typo fixes in a few descriptions, But, I wanted to go ahead and do this before getting into the implementation work on anything bigger, so here you are. :)

There sure are lots of you all of a sudden…

A funny thing has happened in the last 96 hours or so…

From 5/30 to about 7/16 or so, there were 120 or so games of Demon recorded on the scoreboard. From 7/17 to now, there have been another 75 or so games. This is kind of an exciting uptick in interest. :D So first, thanks to everyone who is trying it out, and I hope you’re having fun. :D

So, I bring this up to ask a question: I had a forum setup here once for Demon, but I closed it because I had lots of spammers but practically no real users (and the few I had were friends I goaded to use it in hopes of it avoiding looking COMPLETELY empty. :P ) Even people who asked if I had a forum tended to take one look at the total lack of activity and run away quickly. :P

Is there any interest in me turning the forum back on? If there will be real users there, I’m willing to war with the spammers. If I hear from even a few folks who would be interested in posting, I’ll be happy to turn it back on. :D

Either way though, thanks again to everyone for trying out Demon. :) It’s been awesome watching the scoreboard fill up so (relative to previous norms) rapidly. :D Let me also add a shout out to summoner Xavier, who so far leads the new class of players, having reached Tower:7 on one of his games already. Just under half way to the (current!) top of the tower. :D Not bad!

I’ll post again soon with an update on what I’m working on for the next build. Cheers!

7/17: The True Nature of Things

New build is up, with character descriptions added to the game. :D

Every demon, unique, hero, and summoner now has a description, which can be viewed in their character sheets. The character description page of the sheets is the default page when viewing characters via inspect or the View Party menu, so they will be easy to find. Remember you can use the left and right arrows on your keyboard to change pages in character sheets (a feature which I admit has not been terribly useful before this build. :) )

I’ve tried to keep the descriptions interesting but reasonably brief, and I think I for the most part succeeded. I hope everyone enjoys reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. :D

So THAT’S what that thing is!

Making good progress on descriptions. :) I hope to have a build out within another week. :D

Until then, here’s a few screen caps of the descriptions from early game demons to tide you over. :)






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7/4: A Mouse in the House

New build is up! Links to your right point to the new 7/4 builds!

You can’t quite do everything with the mouse now, but you can do a whole heck of a lot more then before:

  • When presented with a list of choices other than during negotiation, you can now use the mouse wheel to scroll the list, and can left-click entries to select them.
  • Ability buttons are now actually left-clickable.
  • You can now use the mouse to choose and confirm targets for abilities (mouse over cells to target them, left-click your target to confirm it.)
  • You can now left-click visible cells on the map to perform a few actions, based on what you clicked, and whether or not you are currently in combat.

Full mouse controls may still happen at some point, but I am a little less sold on them than I was a couple of weeks ago. For the amount of work it would take, it is not a commonly requested feature: people do want to be able to do *more* with the mouse, but I’ve only heard one request for anything even close to full mouse control. So going forward, my focus is to provide more options for mouse support when feasible in terms of effort and when I believe they make a lot of sense, rather than trying to make sure literally everything can be done by mouse when I’m not even sure that will turn out to be great or desired by anyone even if I invested the considerable amount of time required for it.

That said, I do want to go back and get negotiation working with mouse controls. Kinda newb of me that negotiation selection is different from every other kind of selection. :( Well, it won’t be the first time I’ve broken out the refactor tractor for UI related things. :P

Since I try to include screenshots with each major build, I have reluctantly taken a screenshot of a mouse-highlighted menu selection during character creation. It will likely go down in history as the most boring screenshot of a roguelike ever taken. :) Trust me, the actual build is much more exciting. :D Go play it already!


Next build is imminent!

Putting the finishing touches on the mouse controls build, hoping to release during this long weekend. :) Trying to find a way to make it entertaining to read about on here gives me a headache though, so I’m going to quietly get back to work instead. :P

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Mouse Controls Progress

Mouse controls are coming along fairly well so far. :) If I could figure out a meaningful way to screenshot the progress other than showing things being highlighted by a mouse cursor, I’d provide them. :P

Going to try to get as close to full mouse controls in this one pass as possible, but I will confess I lose my patience/endurance for UI work at a fairly rapid pace. So I’m focusing on major elements first (hotkey buttons, targeting, menu selection) and working my way down the priority list from there. :)

After mouse controls, I will get to adding in-game descriptions of characters (I know, I know, but I REALLY mean it this time! :D ) I’ve had several people mention they’ve gotten curious enough to Google some of their favorites up, hopefully soon I can spare them the trouble, so I know there are folks who want it. :)

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6/14: Polish, Polish, Polish

New build is out, links to the right have been updated. :D

In this build, I’m taking care of some polish tasks before moving on to  mouse controls. :) Overall gameplay balance, AI, and UI have all received some improvements. :D

Big ticket items:

  • Support abilities (buffs and heals) no longer require clear lines of fire.
  • Several area effect projectiles (mostly Rune effects, but also one ability: Fireball) can now be aimed short of their maximum range, making them a bit easier to use.
  • Sleep and Charm have been slightly reduced in duration.
  • Group movement no longer lets faster allies range far ahead of the player.
  • The UI will warn you when attempting to use hostile abilities when all enemy targets are immune to them.
  • Demons are now much more persistent about pursuit. Beware!
  • Further adjustments to how different groups of the same faction communicate with each other: enemies a bit less effectively (to further reduce swarming behaviors), allies a bit more effectively (so that player allies support friendly link targets better.

Enjoy! :D