The “Fan Art” category is really getting a workout lately thanks to Zyalin. This newest piece is of a Mandrake, one of Demon’s newer demons that was added with the Matter element. Thanks Zyalin!
Double Double Tooltip Trouble
The Pug-mancer
And The Dead Shall Remember Their Sins
More Awesome Art From Zyalin
Zyalin put together another piece of awesome Demon fan art, this one depicting a Vodun Mask summoner and an Echeneis exploring the Tower.
As a reminder, you can see more of Zyalin’s art over at:
Thanks Zyalin!
But We Can Use Them Too
Small Update
Work’s still extra-heavy at the moment, so unfortunately no significant new progress to report as of yet, but I did want to lay out what I want to finish before the first test build release:
[/] AI Summoners using Brands properly. (/ = partially complete)
[/] Stat-based and HP-based Brand modifiers
[ ] Relic Wraith support for Brands
[ ] Tooltips for Brands on Demons
[ ] Limit on Brand capacity for player
Notably, this is not a full list of what will be in the final build: just what I want done for the first test build. Other features (like some method to view old message log messages) will come during testing.
Work should let up a bit after this week and I’ll be able to make faster progress after that. Thanks for your patience, and good luck in the Tower!
More Fan Art From Zyalin
Zyalin was kind enough to let me share another awesome piece of Demon fan art he made recently, depicting several Homunculi (Homunculuses? I think it’s Homunculi? Anyway!) being prepared for new Summoners.
If you want to see more of Zyalin’s art, you can check it out over on Instagram:
Thanks Zyalin!
Small Break for Etrian Odyssey Nexus
Ability Modifiers, and A Small Announcement
I’ve got some examples of what Ability-related Modifiers look like on Brands, but before we get to those, a quick announcement.
Given the magnitude of the changes Brands mean for Demon, I want to do a test build series again before a wider release. Same policy as before: I’ll make a thread on the forums with links to the test builds, and post here when new ones are posted. You won’t need to register for the forums or anything to see or download from the link, just go and grab ‘em. I do this only to increase the odds that everyone who downloads them understands they *are* test builds, and thus, may have moderate or even serious issues that would normally not be present in actual releases.
No precise ETA on this other than “sometime next month”: between work picking up unexpectedly earlier… and, if I’m being honest, the impending release of Etrian Odyssey Nexus next week… it will probably be a little bit yet.
With no further ado, the Ability-related Brand examples