Category Archives: Demon
A Double Win!
5/3: Of Mice and Wraiths
The new build is released! Grab it at the links on the right.
The main three changes in this build are:
1) The long-requested and finally added “off click to close” feature: right-clicking off of a pop-up window such as selecting a character to summon, choosing an item to use, etc. will now, if possible, close the window, just as if you had pressed Escape instead.
2) With thanks to ayayaya on the forums for the suggestion: Bonus MaxHP gained by using abilities no longer degrades over time, instead, it is lost when you take damage: 50% of the damage you take is also deducted from any bonus MaxHP you have. This allows professional drainers to keep bonus MaxHP around without having to micromanage resting/healing. Of course, this rule change also applies to the enemies… on the assumption they have encountered other foes in the past, any character that spawns with a MaxHP draining ability (including even negotiation demands) will generate with some bonus MaxHP added.
(Yep, even heroes spawn with bonus MaxHP if they have abilities like Vigor Siphon. Remember, you can right-click off his character sheet to close it once you’ve seen how many bonus MaxHP he spawned with! )
3) I finally fixed a long-standing issue where if you backed out of training/copy ability at any point, it automatically dumped you back to the neutral interface instead of just one menu back, in some cases. UI bugs are the worst. But, this one is finally dead! Yay!
And now, I am finally free to get back on to fun stuff, which I will have more to say about very soon! Stay tuned, and good luck in the Tower!
Next Build In Testing
Next build is now officially entering testing and should hopefully release soon. Testing might be a bit longer than normal since there’s some significant UI changes done that I want to try and make sure haven’t opened any terrible portals to hell (well, ones that I don’t want open anyway) before I release it.
But, with any luck, it should be done quickly and I’ll be on to something much more exciting for almost everyone.
New UI Upgrades Are Hard To Show, So Have A Ferret
So, one of the bigger UI changes I’ve been adding for the next build is the ability to close most pop-up windows by right-clicking off of them.
Well, that’s pretty neat. But.. uh… it isn’t really good for screenshots.
The screenshots just look like the window open, or the window closed.
They don’t even show the mouse cursor!
So, instead, have a ferret. The new build should actually be out fairly soon, and then I’ll be back to working on new content and system goodies.
4/20: Budget Cuts
I only barely got this out within the time frame promised, but here it is, the next and for awhile at least, probably last currency tweaking build, which places the Copy Ability cost somewhere between the original values from the 4/12 build and the reduced values of the 4/15 build.
The build also contains some bug fixes, minor UI tweaks, and as a cool bonus, some sprite updates by geminimax, including this awesome new Vikhor sprite. Thanks geminimax.
Next up: the bigger chunks of UI improvements I was saving for once I had currency in a good place.
Quick Update
Hey everyone.
My Dark Souls 3 semi-vacation is almost over: starting tomorrow, I’m back at work. Not because I’ve actually beaten that delightfully evil game yet mind you, just don’t want to be away from Demon too long.
Next up on the agenda: a build with a few more currency tweaks, then some UI improvements, and bug hunting/fixing. That’s two separate builds btw: I will probably formally “announce” currency to the world after releasing the currency tweaks. (Up until this point, I’ve only posted about it here and RogueBasin so that I’d get enough feedback to tweak it, I wanted to wait for that before unleashing it on everyone else.)
After those builds? I haven’t decided just yet, it will either be additional content, or the next system. Tempting to just pick the system, since most players still live in the first 25-33% of the content that already exists, but I like to remember my older fans by giving them new stuff to chew on now up there at the current top of the Tower too.
Still, I can make better decisions about new content once all the systems are in, soo… yeah, just haven’t decided yet.
4/15: Discounts!
4/15 build is released. Contains a couple of bug fixes, a change to how Piercing Thrust and Shocking Spear work, and most importantly, a significant discount on the cost of Copy Ability.
Normally, that last one alone would be enough of a balance change to justify changing scoring versions again, but I’m going to pass on that this time. Until currency feels properly balanced, there isn’t much point in changing scoring versions every few days when I make tweaks to it. Instead, I’ll just have 4/12/2016 be the “wild wild west” scoring version that had wildly different game parameters under its single banner.
Once things have settled down on currency, I’ll change scoring versions again.
Granted, I’m not sure how much anyone even worries about the scoreboard, but I wanted to explain anyway. Good luck in the tower!
4/13: Grammar Grapples
Nothing much to see here, just a small build to fix a small grammar issue with Delete Ability’s messaging. Update when/if you feel like seeing an awkwardly worded statement when you use a very rarely used ability would bother you.
Thanks to wizzzargh for the bug report!
Pre-Currency Double Win :D
Hey everyone. Small post to give a shout to ayayaya, who got a double win on the 2/3/2016 scoring model just about the time I was releasing the new build. Since it’s the on the now previous scoring model it won’t show up in game for anyone on the new build, so I wanted to throw up a post here.
Congrats ayayaya!