Category Archives: Demon
Progress Progress Progress
Ability Design Complete!
Alrighty, I’ve finished the ability design for the upcoming end-game build.
A little to my surprise, it turns out we’re looking at over *100* new abilities coming into the game. As you’d probably expect, while most of the new abilities are not exclusive to the end-game characters being added, many of them will only show up on Tier 2-3 or Unique modifiers…. but, that said, there will be a non insignificant number likely to show up earlier than that too.
I’d originally planned to do the character sprites next, but since ability previews are *much* less spoilery on average than character previews for a build like this, I’m going to reverse course and work on ability icons first. That will enable me to start doing ability previews sooner, which will be good preview content without also being super spoilery.
See you next update!
It’s…! (Part 1B)
It’s Merlin!
We had one correct guess (out of two ), but as I was a little worried might happen, things got muddy because of the license I had to take with the abilities for gameplay reasons. While (at least as far as I know from my research) Merlin never possessed the Grail or Calesvol’s (more commonly known as Excalibur) scabbard in mythology, for his role in Demon I assumed he was able to track them down (since he had guided heroes to them in the past) and put their powers to use for…. well, for purposes that will be revealed in the future.
ShinQuickMan, I’d be curious to know: what about his abilities seemed in conflict with the character, if it was more than the Grail/Calesvol link I described? The fun part of studying mythology for major characters is that there’s a metric ton of material, so it’s entirely possible I missed something myself. Lemme know what you were thinking in the comments, or on the forum if you prefer.
As for progress, I’m continuing on with designing abilities: the new heroes and the minions are done, so it’s on to the unique demons. I’d originally planned to do sprites next and I may still, but I also may implement the abilities first instead, we’ll see how I’m feeling about it once I finish the ability design. Either one is progress, so it won’t matter from a release schedule point of view which I do first.
Who’s That Pokemon? Part 1A
I’ve been designing the abilities for some of the new characters and about half way done with that. Since I don’t mind revealing a few of the characters pre-release, I thought it might be interesting to post a limited amount of information about a few and see if folks can figure out who they are based on the information provided.
Note that for abilities, do not think too strictly. I usually have to take a little creative license there for gameplay reasons: abilities refer to things associated with the character, but the mythological relationship may not be as direct as the ability applies. (Still, if I picked it to show for one of these, it will have a strong connection to the character in some fashion.)
This first one should be an easy one, but we’ll see how it goes. Leave your guesses in the comments; I’ll reveal the character’s identity later in the week. Most of the characters in this upcoming build are very famous, long-standing myths, and often they go by many names, so you can consider yourself to have gotten it right if you get any of the names associated with them, even if it’s different from the one I ended up using for Demon.
Here’s the provided information for the first one:
Rank/Character Type:
Hero (Unique)
Attribute ratios:
STR: 10
MAG: 250
VIT: 30
AGL: 10
CUN: 200
Resistance table:
Resist: Fire, Electricity, Ice, Matter, Body, Light, Dark
Weak : Mind
3 of their abilities:
Grail’s Boon (Removes Body status, then restores HP and SP to full. Has its own Cooldown.)
Calesvol’s Ward (Reduces damage taken while not affected by negative status.)
Holy Prophet (Increases evasion dramatically, based on the attacker’s Light resistance.)
Bonus question: Why would I have picked Weak: Mind for this character?
Good luck!
Knowing The Unknowable
The next step, which I just completed, was finding and picking out references to use for the art for each of the new characters. This is usually a bit quicker than it was this time, but things went a bit slower this time due to the extreme age and extreme popularity of some of the characters involved. Both of those can create trouble in different ways. Extreme age can cause feast or famine problems: there may lots of references (making it difficult to figure out which one is most accurate to the original myth!), or there may be very few or none at all (making them hard to find.) Extreme popularity tends to flood the internet with lots of mythologically inaccurate depictions, also adding to the difficulty of finding good sources.
Of course, on top of those factors, this particular set I wanted to take a little extra time with since they exist at the Tower’s upper most floor.
But, now that is done, everything needed to begin creating the character sprites is complete. Next up, I’ll be working on my own version of those and also on the abilities for each of the new characters. (I tend to do both at once since my still frustratingly limited art abilities usually lead me to want to switch to another task now and then to give myself a break. )
Pantheon o’ Plenty
Hey folks. A tiny, if vague, progress update: I’ve finished picking out the new characters who will be added as part of the update. Barring any tweaks/changes later, it looks like there will be 17 new characters: 7 heroes, 7 unique demons, 2 minions, and 1 normal demon.
I will probably preview a limited selection of these once we’re further along and they have at least character sprites ready (or better, character sheets), but many of them will remain a mystery until release.
Silent As The Forest
Hey folks. The run up to this next build is going to be a little different.
As discussed previously, I’m working on the 30th floor of the Tower: in other words, the official end game material. Normally I’d like to post updates showing what I’m working on as the build progresses, but this time around I think I want to keep things a little closer to the vest for anti-spoiler reasons.
I will probably still be willing to post some of the individual characters and abilities, but I will be avoiding any major reveals about what awaits on the Tower’s final floor. This means updates may be a bit sparse and low on content at times, especially early on in the build’s development.
This build will be a bit getting done, so please be patient with the timeframe and somewhat less informative than normal update content. Thank you, and until next time, good luck in the Tower!
1/17: Faithful Titans
Hey folks. Here’s the small balance update build that includes some tweaks to Titan’s Fist and Faithful Heart’s upgrades, as well the addition of item icons to the Ontoclasm icon set.
I also fixed a small packaging error where the Licensed Art folder was missing from Mac and Linux downloadables.
The links to the right have been updated, so go grab ‘em! Good luck in the Tower!
More New Icon Art
Ontoclasm volunteered to also update Demon’s item icons. These will be included in the upcoming small balance adjustment build, which I hope to release in roughly a week or so.
The main targets of the balance adjustments will be a slight tweak to the Aux Guard/Power upgrade numbers, and an adjustment to Revive Demon to make Faithful Heart a bit more appealing. See you again soon!