Assuming nothing crazy happens here in the last stretch, I plan to release the first public version of my next project, Interdict: The Post-Empyrean Age, within a couple of weeks.
To give you a little idea what it is like, here is a tiny teaser in the form of the message displayed when starting a new game.
Interdict is primarily a dungeon crawler in the vein of the older Wizardry and Might and Magic titles, but it has a very generous amount of roguelike DNA. As the new game message shown above states, it features a very large degree of procedural generation, and a form of permadeath (in this case, “permawipe” might be a better name, since the defeat condition here is all of your party members being dead at the same time.) It is also entirely turn-based, both when exploring the dungeon, and while in combat.
When the first public release is ready, I will post here again with a link to the page. Going forward from that point, I will be using for further Interdict updates. The first public release is relatively small, taking roughly 3-6 hours to complete a run of the available content, but is enough to demonstrate what the game is like and hopefully show what is fun and interesting about it.
Like I did with Demon, I plan to work on and update Interdict for a good, long time, so it will continue to grow, improve, and receive additional content. I’m not silly enough to promise up front that I will stick with it most of a decade like Demon ended up getting. But, so long as I and at least some other folks remain interested, I plan to work on it for quite awhile.
This is probably also a good time to mention that, like Demon, Interdict will always be available for free, so don’t have any worries on that front.
Alright, that’s enough of me bending my “don’t talk about it until the first public release” rule. I’ll be posting again to announce the public release soon. Cheers!