I dread having to do non-update updates, but that’s what this is. Without going into unnecessary or boring detail, November has been quite an “interesting” month for me. This has had an impact on development of the next build, which is why I am reporting it here. Things will hopefully get back on track soon. Thank you for your patience, and in the meantime, good luck in the Tower!
Category Archives: Demon
Demon Designs Complete
Designs for 13 new demons, 1 new summoner, and 1 new hero are complete. Not much to actually show yet because I’d rather save previews for when sprites are available, but did want to drop a progress update regardless.
Moving On Up
A quick note on what’s next: The Tower will (finally) be expanding closer to its target of 30 floors. The next build will add the 24th-26th floors. It’s been waaaayyy too long since the last push to 30.
This won’t necessarily mean nothing new for summoners who aren’t reaching the top just yet: new demons means new abilities, and some of those new abilities often end up going on modifier lists, even for modifiers found much lower in the Tower than the new demons themselves.
I’ll also be fixing some bugs that popped up towards the end of the upgrade points build cycle.
Should have some sneak peeks of the new content later this month. Cheers!
10/27: The New (Upgrade) Economy
The 10/27 build, with the new point-based Relic Upgrade system, has been released! Links at the right have already been updated, so go grab it.
As previously mentioned, the main new feature of this is the switch over from the “one size fits all” Upgrade system to a point-based system where different Upgrades cost different amounts of points. But it’s also worth mentioning the two new starter demon options: Familiar and Tulpa, as well as the changes to the Titan’s Fist’s starting Upgrades that enable a new “no/low summoning” playstyle by making Aux Guard III and Aux Power III available right from the start.
There will probably be a bug fix build not too far in the future here since I had to punt on a few to make today’s release date. None of them are related to the changes here, they’re just some minor issues that happened to get reported too late to make it into 10/27.
Cheers, and good luck in the Tower!
Soon, You May Alter Your Very Self
Soon, you’ll be able to reshuffle your stats around with Alter Self, a new Relic Upgrade being added in the next build.
Note that even if you consider yourself the perfect planner who never makes mistakes or changes their mind about stat builds, Alter Self still has uses for you in that it can be used to re-distribute the 10 in everything you start with, as well as move around points granted by off-spec Essences. Alter Self is relatively cheap as upgrades go, costing only 5 Upgrade points. No Relics start with it, but you can pick it up pretty quickly at that price.
As the post title implies, you’ll be able to do this soon. I plan on releasing this build next Sunday the 28th! Not too much longer now.
Relic Fan Art From Zyalin
Zyalin’s created two new great pieces of Demon fan art I’d like to share with everyone. Both are of player summoners: Crown of Glory and Faithful Heart respectively.
Thank you Zyalin!
Remember you can check out more of his art at his portfolio website: https://zyalin.wixsite.com/zyalin-art
This May Be Of Interest To Some
One important note reviewing this: the default stable size is now *3*. So Crown still has a stable size of 8 with it’s Capacity Up V upgrade.
The biggest change is of course to Fist: it’s now an Aux Guard/Power start. Appropriately, it gets no extra demon capacity since it won’t really need that if Aux Guard/Power are being used.
The other significant change is that a couple of other Relics with Upgrades that have become more expensive now only have a starting stable size of 5 instead of 6.
Upgrade Costs Progress
UI is close to done, just need some messaging about current upgrade points while in this interface and greying out ones you can’t afford. Costs shown here are not final, but they are an indication where my thoughts are heading.
For reference, 10 is the “normal” cost for an upgrade. Less than 10 will be easier to get than an upgrade is in the current build, more than 10 will be harder.
New Friends For New Summoners
The happy return of the starting ally selection screen.
And now, a quick peek at the two new starting ally choices: the Familiar and the Tulpa. (IMPORTANT: Abilities, stats, and resistances not necessarily final… though, as starter allies, their abilities will follow the format of “main ability”, Draw Wounds, Refresh, and “support ability”, and none of the main/support abilities are supposed to be all that exciting
Number 8: Horns of the Hunt
The new Relic being added in the next build is the Horns of the Hunt:
As you can see from the tooltip, the Horns of the Hunt’s starting upgrades will revolve around Brands, giving you a starting option that has some pre-investment in this new mechanic.
Exactly which upgrades it starts with will depend on what costs get assigned to Upgrades during the balance pass on them I’ll be doing as part of converting Upgrades to a point buy system: every Relic will start with the same number of points. Most of these will be pre-invested in the starting Upgrades for that Relic, but any leftovers will be placed in the unspent pool. It’s possible that for some Relics these leftovers may be enough to immediately buy a cheap Upgrade as soon as the game begins, if you like.
By the by, if you’re wondering what the Relic Wraith for a Horns Summoner looks like, that you’ll have to see in game. Cheers!