Up Next: Capture Mechanic Polishing/Upgrades, And…

This week, I’ve been working on planning out and implementing various forms of polish for Demon’s capture mechanics. :)

A fair bit of this effort will be centered on Negotiation initially. The first major piece of this is already done: a UI pass on the negotiation interface itself. It now:

  • Shows your current progress towards success, and the amount needed with the Approval meter.
  • Allows you to use the mouse to select responses.
  • Gives more direct messaging about the results of your choices.

You can see these in the screenshots below. :)



Next up for Negotiation will be adding more ‘demand’ types to help keep negotiation encounters interesting and varied. :) Stay tuned for more information on this soon.


There is also something else that has been in the works for about two months now that I’ve been keeping a lid on. :) But, I’m getting *very* close to being ready to reveal it. :) What is it? Well, I don’t want to say exactly what it is just yet… but I will very soon. Shortly after that, you’ll be able to see it for yourself in a build. :D

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10/6: Options and Warps

New build is up! Check the links to right to grab your preferred flavor of Demon. :)

Major new features in this build:
* An options screen, accessible with the – key, that allow you to tweak various aspects of Demon’s gameplay and interface.
* Most stairs in the Tower are one use only: you cannot go back to previous floors, and side dungeons may only be attempted once.
* Side dungeons now appear much more often. (No new ones added, but you’ll always find the ones that do exist.)
* You can now see a demon’s basic attack ability in its character sheet (use arrow keys to change pages to get to the one it is on.)
* Improved information about demon modifiers when using a Silver or Gold Matrix.
* Improvements to how the player is displayed versus allies on the main map.
* The player is now included in almost all party menus so that hotkeys stay in sync.

Enjoy, and good luck in the Tower. :)

Closing in on the next build

All sorts of UI/player friendliness goodies coming up in this one. :) I’ve already shown you the options screen and what it will have to offer in terms of customizing your experience, but now it’s time to talk about the rest of the features. I’ll let the screenshots do most of the talking.

The one major non-UI change in this build is a revamp of how stairs work in the tower. Freely going back levels is no longer possible: the only portals in the main Tower are either one way portals going to the next floor, or portals going to side dungeons. Side dungeon portals close after being used: once you return from a side dungeon (whether you completed it or not), you cannot return to it. Also: side dungeons (for now) have a 100% chance to spawn, since there aren’t many of them. Later when there is more side dungeon content, I will have a certain number drawn from a larger pool appear each game.


Modifiers now provide some information about themselves when mousing over them during use of a Silver or Gold Matrix. Additionally, you can right-click them in the selection list to see a full list of the possible bonus abilities they provide.



Player allies now look distinct from the player, thanks to a different shape of faction indicator being used for them:


Basic attack information is now available on the traits page of character sheets, allowing you to see what damage type each character’s basic attack deals. This can be important when dealing with enemies that are resistant or weak to specific physical damage types.


That covers most of the major updates, though of course there are also some bug fixes and tweaks. I hope to release the next build within a few days. :) See you again soon. :D

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Options Peek

Here are options I’ve implemented as part of the upcoming build. :) They’re designed to let you streamline the experience in various ways, such as by limiting when the message log will require input to continue, controlling how/when Vfx play, and a couple of other odds and ends.


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Next Build Stuff

So, what’s coming up in the next build? :) Glad I asked!

Much of this one comes from feedback I’ve received from the forums, so if you’re a frequent visitor there this won’t be a very surprising list, but for those who don’t keep up with the posts there, here’s a rundown. This isn’t an exhaustive list, there are some other things I’m going to take a swing at, but here’s what will be in for sure:

* Increased control over the message log through a new options menu, including the ability to disable various pauses such as for too many messages or low HP warnings.
* A revamped stair system for the Tower to discourage stair-dancing.
* Other UI improvements such as showing tooltips for modifiers when using Matrix items, tweak the indicators for party members vs. the player himself, syncing up keybinds for the various party member lists (so that ‘b’ refers to the same monster whether or not it is a list the player is normally included in, etc.)
* Any bugs that have come up or come up. :)

In brief, it’s a UI/usability patch mostly, but that’s what the feedback indicates is needed. :) I plan to return to the original schedule after this, which would have capture mechanics upgrading next on the list.

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Whoopsie :P

It looks like I had accidentally left a save game file I was using for build testing in the PC version of the 9/21 build. Not a big deal, but it was probably a bit confusing to folks. I’ve removed it now. Sorry about that!

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9/21: Keeping Warm

Pushed a small build just now with two bug fixes: Warmth now correctly continues to add increasing bonuses beyond the first visible Ignited character, and Regen no longer causes resting to take forever. :)

9/20: ARRP!

The Annual Roguelike Release Party 2015 build of Demon is out! Go get it at the links on the right, or from right here if you prefer: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-sx_4eW-B5hWnhNZlRPclZLeUU&usp=drive_web

The list of changes in this build is fairly extensive, but here are the highlights:

  • Significant improvements to melee combat abilities: “charge” abilities such as Bull Rush and Pounce now have their own cooldown instead of using Breath (allowing them to be used more effectively with Breath cooldown abilities), “whisper” abilities such as Yellow Whisper that can be used at melee range for control effects are now free actions, and “support attack” abilities such as Reviving Cut, Guarding Cut, and other Crown of Glory abilities can now affect the user as well as allies.
  • A review of melee characters in general was undertaken and completed: nearly two dozen of the Tower’s denizens were given new abilities or had old ones swapped out as part of this change. You can expect melee-oriented demons, summoners, and heroes to be more effective/dangerous, and to have some new tricks, even those found on the first floor.
  • Over a dozen new abilities added, many of which appear as starting options on relics.
  • A small number of new monsters have been sprinkled throughout the current 17 floors of the Tower to provide access to some abilities that needed to be made part of the commonly available set.
  • Some polish work on relics in general: a few more primary and secondary options have been added to or tweaked for most of them, and the starting stats granted by the choices you make for each have been adjusted.
  • ‘p’ is now an alternate hotkey for using portals to accommodate Spanish keyboard layouts a bit better. (Portal Search has been moved to Shift+’p')
  • Tooltips for stats such as Strength, Agility, Vitality, etc. now give some information about the benefit your current amount of them is providing you with. The tooltips will also preview the results of pending changes, such as bonus points assigned during level ups, or during previewing a new modifier for a demon.
  • Fixed a bug with Panic that was causing it to not properly randomize the target’s targeting most of the time.
  • Reactions no longer trigger Guilt and Pariah.

I hope everyone enjoys the new build, especially anyone who was struggling to get melee off the ground before. It was certainly doable before (2 of 4 wins post-relics have been melee), but now it should be much more in line with magic and support in terms of fun, effectiveness and entertaining build options to consider.

Good luck in the tower, and please, consider playing some of the other roguelikes released for ARRP as well! You can find a list of them here at the RogueBasin: http://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=2015_ARRP

Rogueliker Streaming Demon tonight around 7:45 PST

Hey everyone. :) Rogueliker will be streaming some gameplay from the lower levels of the Tower tonight around 7:45 PST on his YouTube stream, linked here: https://gaming.youtube.com/c/Rogueliker1/live

If you’re looking for some insight into how survive the first floors of the tower, this could be a great chance to pick up some good tactics and strategy. I’ll be there as well (crappy internet permitting!), so stop by and say hello!

Rogueliker has also mentioned he will likely do a Sunday stream to celebrate the release of Demon’s ARRP 2015 build, I’ll post again when I have specifics on that. :D

See you there!