Polish, Polish, Polish

The next build is polishing up all sorts of things: Light and Dark magic (currently being discussed at some length in the forums: http://forum.ferretdev.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=174  ), currency costs for transmutations, and some UI improvements.

For example, spending bonus points awarded for leveling up is no longer forced on you in the middle of combat: now you choose when to do it from the transmutations menu. Similarly to Upgrade Relic, it only appears in the transmutations menu when relevant, and will blink purple to draw attention to itself (even if you have turned suggestions off, though the transmutation button itself will not blink in that case.) Even when you activate it, you do not need to spend all, or even any of your points, you can back out and continue to wait if you find some reason to do so.



I’ll have more information about what’s in the next build soon. :) Cheers!

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